most frequently asked questions about me and my website
which is the best browser to view this website?
mozilla 1.7 and iexplore 6
why do you have this website online?
cause i liked to waste my money
why do you used PHP and mySQL to develop this website?
cause i liked to waste my time by learning everytime from scratch (i easly forget most of my own coded functions)
why are you putting online personal stuffs like images or informations about you or your friends or your family?
why are you reading or browsing or printing or looking at personal information wrote here?
why your website design is so poor and simple?
because i'm not a webdesigner and also because I like clean and simple layouts
why you very often answer to questions with a new question?
why you'd expect an answer now?
which is the best resolution to browse your website?
1024x768 and higher is ok.
can i add my own question here?
sure, just drop me an email.
when did your reel will be online?
i'm working on my reel, if you need it urgently just drop me an email
Jean-Claude Nouchy :: original website date : sometime around 2001 ][ updated : October 16th, 2021 GMT