//www:mimgfx:com/ _
Sat, 20 Apr 2024 GMT
required: 1024x768, IE6, Mozilla 1.4, Opera
php5 mysql4 css
how this website was built
what type of computer hosts this website?
SiliconGraphics O2 R12k 400Mhz, 1gb ram, 18Gb system disk, IRIX 6.5.27

what type of server is running this website?
Apache2, PHP5, Mysql4.1.10a

what language is used to buil this website?
PHP5, Javascript

... and?
valid CSS only layout, no tables. Just mySql, JavaScript, PHP and a bit ot HTML

how do you menage data, galleries and pages?
I rebuilt this last version because i needed to get rid of some script that I made in the past on my octane that were usefull to upload images, and save the records into the mySql database. I wanted to change the overall way of doing that, so now I'm just organizing the images into separated folders, and the contents into separated functions, so when I need certain images from functions, those are found into the relative folders and the database is just hooked when images have comments, or news are added. Before I used to save everything into the database (images names, location, descriptions, computers data, even the bookmarks), that was pretty boring and not worth the needed work to archieve data. Now i simply get those informations "on the fly" and i catch and store just what i need.
The last thing i really need to optimize is yet the menu. I like the structure, but can be boring to load the page again just to select a submenu. Its in the "todo" list :)

what webauthoring software was used?
none, just my Silicongraphics Octane2 and nedit or ultraedit on my laptop

you feel proud about your website?
yeah, a lot. because it took me the necessary time to learn php and such languages, and because i had help from nobody, except the internet for some hints about javascript. and obviosuly reading manuals. The overall work or layout or even the content may suck, or you may dislike it, but I personally dont care too much about this. This website is ment to be MY OWN website, to show my stuffs, or better, to share my own knowledge and passion, that's it :)
so please, browse this website "as is". oh.. and I always accept opinions and critiques on it, I would love your feedback.

how long does it took for the whole development
cant estimate how long, i often recode stuffs that sucks (still a lots) and i usually prepare a totally new website (even if really haestetic similar to the previous) every 6/10 months

what if your english sucks and I didnt understood anything?
I know, i'm sorry. in the faqs you can understand that this website must be read "as is" :)

Disclaimer and Copyright
I am not working for Silicon Graphics, Inc. nor I have their support.
This is a personal website hence unofficial resource for people who enjoy working with SGI systems as much as I do.
All product names, SGI and Silicon Graphics are (registered) trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
No warranty on Information or advices given here, all which are took from my own experience or the world wide web.

Everything on this website, including source code, images, texts are created by the owner and maintainer hence property of Jean-Claude Nouchy
except the SGI rotating logo, Mysql logo. PHP logo, CSS logo, Exif php class, unique counter javascript class which are property of their respective owner.
Personal information, pictures and source code cannot be used or modified from third party prior email request. Thanks

Jean-Claude Nouchy     ::     original website date : sometime around 2001 ][ updated : October 16th, 2021 GMT